Randy rants to Mickey. Mickey, portrayed on “South Park” as a ruthless businessman who sells out Disney characters in order to operate in China, threatens to have him … "It’s your fault Mickey Mouse!" His involvement is precisely what one would expect from Randy, and involves a trip to China with Mickey Mouse … Mickey Mouse is a major antagonist in South Park.. and the secondary antagonist in Band in China. China has a message for “South Park”: You will respect their authoritah! But it’s never that simple for Randy, who learns early on in the episode that he had a crucial role in the outbreak of COVID-19; it’s Contagion à la South Park. He is based off the icon of the Walt Disney Company and one of the most recognized animated characters in the world.
... Disney is even part of the takedown, with Mickey Mouse depicted as supporting censors’ work. Disney was also a target, with the pandemic's origins traced to Mickey Mouse's wild R-rated trip to China with Randy Marsh. The episode also takes aim at Disney, when it’s revealed that Randy and Mickey Mouse are responsible for the virus’ spread. China bans 'South Park' after episode skewers censorship. He serves as the main antagonist of the season 13 episode, The Ring, one of the main antagonists of the season 16 finale Obama Wins!
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