I haven’t got to the stage where there is anything interesting to show so I thought I would show you one I made a few years ago and sold. Hundreds of 6-inch blocks were received from across the country, and panels were hand quilted at quilting. Advance reservations are required. June 27-29, 2019North Lambton Quilter’s Guild. Admission to the site is free. Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, "Summer Fibrations" by the Out of the Box Fibre Artists (2019) Creative Reactions - a show where Art & Science are partnered - I created a fibre art piece, paired up with a research scientist from the Museum of Nature (2019) Fibre Fling - a Show & Sale of the Out of the Box Fibre Artists (2017, 2018, 2019) Of course, there are also some great offerings just down the road – Carleton Place and Carp have some good choices: 5-Star Camps in Carp for ages 5 to 12 is a great outdoor/sport camp option to keep kids active; our younger son will try this one out later this summer. In Chelsea, Galerie Old Chelsea is holding a vernissage for artist Sylvie Sabourin’s new exhibition, Éternelle Impermanence, on Sunday, June 23, from 1pm to 4pm. This piece, along with 2 others were in the OOTB‘s Colour Unboxed show at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum that closed earlier this year. I love So You Think You Can Dance. Change ). MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TEXTILE MUSEUM 31 road trips this week: Art in Perth, birds of prey in Kemptville and water gardens in Ottawa, Modern Watercolours: Expressive Florals Retreat. Museum Admission: $7.00 In the midst of the pandemic this summer, Orlando Almonte, language access program manager in the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, came to recognize a confluence of issues that pose a threat to our democracy:. Then check out the 2019 Water Garden Tour on Saturday, June 22, organized by the Greater Ottawa Water Garden Horticultural Society. Classic car collectors, start your engines: the Wheels on the Mississippi car show rolls into Riverside Park in Carleton Place on Sunday, June 23, sponsored by the Carleton Place Lions Club. In future, I will do something in between, less than the first attempt and more stitches than the second. Over 150 individual pieces will be on display. I don’t have my computer, just my iPad. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
Summer of 2019 will be remembered for its wonderful hot weather, which was ideal for those who enjoy being outdoors taking in everything nature has to give. Those who like rhubarb like it a lot. The show runs from June 21 to July 10. Tags: fiber art, fibre art, Great Blue Heron, nature, needle felting. It is now pinned up on a wall so I can look at it and decide if there is anything else I need to add or change before I mount it. I have 6 pieces in the Out of the Box show “Summer Fibrations” which opens today (June 22, 2019) at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte and runs until July 6. Tags: art, dancer, dancers, fiber art, fibre art, free motion embroidery, So You Think You Can Dance, Ultra solvy, water-soluble stabilizer. So that is what I did. Both artists combine textile techniques to create unique woven canvasses and sculptures. The response from thousands of visitors – fibre artists and the general public, tourists and locals – has been exceptional, calling, September 29 to October 6, 2018 Vernissage: Saturday, September 29, 2 – 4pm The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (former Rosamond Woolen Company) will present a special exhibition in the Norah Rosamond Hughes Gallery, showcasing a collection of Rosamond Family photos, paintings, artifacts and stories. The Textile Mills in the Mississippi River Valley in Lanark County By: Almonte and Area Artists’ Association The textile industry played a significant role in the founding and development of the Mississippi River Valley. Posted in Felting, Free Motion Embroidery, Tags: fiber art, fibre art, free motion embroidery, landscape, needle felting, trees. Art works will be exhibited in the Museum foyer and, Out of The Box fibre artists Vernissage: January 14, 2017, from 2pm – 4pm December 20, 2016 to February 25, 2017 Colour Unboxed is a regional Out of The Box (OOTB) show with the theme of celebrating colour. Tags: 3D felt, abstract, fiber art, fibre art, needle felting. Roughly 200 teams of energetic rowers will be getting spectators cheering. Vancouver Biennale January 16, 2021 to March 13, 2021 This exhibition brings together diverse communities developing narratives of Vancouver around local indigenous and migrant histories. Have any former residents “returned” to their old digs? Let’s hope for a beautiful Fall season, where we can continue to fully appreciate Mother Nature and her …
Three judges will be evaluating the works of artists from across the County, which will be on display at the Armoury at 206 Main Street. Summer Fibrations, the latest show by artists from Out of the Box, brings 150 fibre works to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte. Some red roving had been staring at me for days, just asking to be needle felted into a piece. But their primary medium is not cotton, wool, or silk—it’s metal. I will never spam you—promise. Over 150 individual pieces will be on display. Posted in Felting, Free Motion Embroidery, Tags: fiber art, fibre art, free motion embroidery, landscape, needle felting, trees.
TD Summer Program for Children at the local library (generally 60 to 90 minute sessions for school age children requiring pre-registration; each session only costs $1 to $2 and is a great way to provide some variety over the summer months – my youngest is trying his first session out this week), Wildlife Watchers Summer Day Camp at the Mill of Kintail in Almonte for ages 6 to 11 – this is a camp I’d really like to try for my younger son; looks like they still have space free in late August. L’Outaouais en fête (June 21 to 24) unfolds across West Quebec this week. Ahhhhh, warm weather and a day with no rain!
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum Present SUMMER FIBRATIONS by Out Of The Box OOTB fibre artists are returning to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) with another exciting display of fibre art. My research turned up a fashion camp run by the Mississippi Mills Textile Museum in Almonte in 2009; perhaps this might run again if they can generate sufficient interest! Tags: fiber art, fibre art, nature, needle felting, red fox. Participants will sit under willow trees while learning how to paint pictures of whatever elements of the surrounding scenery appeal to them—from flowers and barns to trees and a bridge. I made three bodies and then embroidered the eyes and fins.
I learned the technique of making the metal pieces from pop cans in a Hilary Rice workshop. The Diefenbunker Spy Camp in Carp for kids ages 7-12 must rock!
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