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sustainable agriculture in the netherlands

Enables audience list building and conversion tracking on LinkedIn. Unless we change our patterns of production and consumption, we risk... “Kringlooplandbouw” (circular agriculture), residuals from field agriculture, horticulture and the food industry, focused on ecosystem services including the retention and use of nature and biodiversity in and around the farm in a natural farming landscape, The development of a diverse range of new earning models and the corresponding business models and chain partners is essential, Circular agriculture: a new perspective for Dutch agriculture. It will be crucial that the sum of all pressures leaves the planet within sustainability thresholds. As the world’s No. Using this policy that was developed by the legendary Sicco Mansholt, Dutch agriculture attracted admiration from beyond its borders and grew into a nation with the second-largest agricultural output in the world. Policies addressing damaging consumption are practically non-existent. 2 food exporter, the Netherlands is a global “agricultural powerhouse.”

However, the industrial and inherently resource-intensive character of this livestock production leaves numerous sustainability issues unaddressed, provoking new questions and controversy in Dutch society. That is not necessary. Let’s start with what it is not! © 2020, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, All Rights Reserved. Important areas in which we must gain more experience include: preserving sanitary safety, actually reducing environmental pressure, and intelligently creating value from residues as coproducts. Holland is the world’s top exporter of potatoes and onions and second largest exporter of vegetables overall. This means that the availability of circular resources will determine the production capacity and the resulting consumption options. A central principle of circular agriculture is that no more acreage or resources are used than are strictly necessary.

Shortly before the summer, Wageningen University & Research presented the concept note  “Kringlooplandbouw” (circular agriculture), in which a new perspective is outlined for Dutch agriculture. At best, intensification improves the utilization of resources, but it also increases emissions per ha and may go hand in hand with specialisation, increases in the scale of farming and regional concentration. All of this can be achieved with a Dutch agricultural sector that continues to make valuable contributions to a vital trade balance. All of these actions must be taken into account with the understanding that the circular economy is not independent of the development of a broad, biobased economy which uses biomass for the production of materials and chemicals. The huge challenge for agriculture is to double its food production without further deteriorating the environment, but there is little consensus on how to do this. Not to mention that in healthy fields with healthy soil life, there are fewer illnesses and pests. Thanks to new technology, this can now be detected in practice at the level of the individual plant through tools such as leaf-colour sensors. In order to use them optimally, successive crops will be sown, so that food will be growing in the field almost year-round. To do so, the farmer will also examine alternative resources of the future, such as marine seaweed. Copyright © 2013 Royal Netherlands Society for Agricultural Sciences. Even when reuse is maximised, a nutrient loss in the cycle is inevitable. Enables creation of remarketing lists on Google Ads. In turn, circular agriculture offers options to combat greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture to a far greater extent than the measures that are simply focused on making common agricultural processes more climate-friendly. In short, there will be a wide range of activities varying from intensive to extensive; small to large, low-tech to hi-tech. Highly intensive agriculture in the Netherlands and elsewhere already has a large environmental and social footprint. Circular agriculture does not mean that we will return to the rural nostalgia of the early 1900s. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Circular agriculture means that we keep residuals of agricultural biomass and tfoodprocessing within the food system as renewable reources.

Therefore, a legitimate, but seldom asked question is which part of the total effort needed to feed the human population should be on more production and which part on limiting population growth, changing human diets and global redistribution of wealth. Time has come in our view, to think about the next steps, the transition towards a truly sustainable agriculture. These allow us to remember the layout and filtering content preferences made for the duration of the user's session. A form of circular agriculture that takes things a step further is called agroecological “nature-inclusive agriculture”, which is specifically focused on ecosystem services including the retention and use of nature and biodiversity in and around the farm in a natural farming landscape. This also means less artificial fertiliser is necessary for circular agriculture, so that less CO2 is released during production. Another interesting source of nutrients is sanitised sewage sludge originating from domestic wastewater treatment and process water from food industries. Crop farmers will also make maximum use of soil agrobiodiversity with mixed cropping systems and smart rotations. But the concepts of intensification and efficiency, however powerful they have been, are not enough. It not only focuses on good yields and the sparing use of resources and energy, but also stresses the importance of putting as little pressure on the environment, nature and climate as possible. water, air, climate, biodiversity) or indirectly (e.g.

Fields will primarily be used for the production of food crops. At  8 September, the Dutch minister of agriculture, nature and food quality, launched here vision on the transition of the Dutch agriculture in a direction of circularity. These cookies are needed for our website to function providing security and other essentials. It is the role of science to present clearly the costs and benefits of different types of transitions. Experimental testing sites at so called “lighthouse farms” allow us to learn and improve circular agriculture. In circular agriculture, soil life is optimally nourished using a resourceful combination of good quality animal-based fertiliser, preferably composted manure and crop remnants. The National Geographic reprint ‘This tiny country feeds the world‘ has been licensed by the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency and its Invest in Holland network partners. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. If you've set preferences (which cookies you accept and which you don't) we store your preferences here to make sure we don't load anything that you didn't agree to. Following a recent European court ruling, almost all activities emitting nitrogen oxides or ammonia have come to a halt in the Netherlands. A broad systematic approach is assumed in circular agriculture, in which healthy crop and welfare of the animals are key. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Is agricultural intensification in The Netherlands running up to its limits? The Netherlands already has policy targets in place for many environment-related SDG targets Of the 169 SDG targets, 41 targets address the quality of the physical environment either directly (e.g. Analytics cookies allow us to gather data to help us better understand our visitors and offer them a better experience. These allow us to protect our contact and newsletter forms from SPAM bots.

IP Address Recognition Tool that allows us to match visitors to companies for marketing purposes. It is precisely through this combination that agriculture can really deliver big results for the climate. Moreover, it entails trade-offs because choices need to be made about what the best route to optimization is.

Latest information by the Dutch Government if your business in the Netherlands is impacted by COVID-19. China, the United States and Britain failed to make the top 20 of 67 nations that were graded on food waste, sustainable agriculture, and health and nutrition. The Dutch agricultural sector exports some € 65 billion of agricultural produce annually. The great advantage of precision fertilisation is not only that less fertiliser is required, but that it also reduces loss to the environment. universities and numerous public-private partnerships, the Netherlands has the second highest private R&D investment in agrifood in Europe. A transition such as this demands effort from all parties in order to overcome technical, economic, legal, and social barriers. Loss of nutrients leads to air, water, and ground pollution and a loss of biodiversity. In fact, 12 of the world’s largest agrifood companies have major production or R&D sites in Holland. It allows us to use land, water, chemicals and nutrients to optimal effects and to reduce or even eliminate the waste of residual biomass since this can be used elsewhere in the food system.

WordPress sets a couple of cookies that track logged in users and store user preferences set in their WordPress user profile. Closing cycles will be the new model on which future agriculture is based.

Published by Elsevier B.V. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences,

As a result, this will avoid feeding animals plant-based proteins that are also suitable for human consumption. With its world-class research institutes for food innovation, medical Environmental pressures posed through human activities are expected to further increase due to growing population numbers and increasing per capita consumption.

The Netherlands is a model of smart, sustainable agriculture, reports the National Geographic in its September 2017 issue. Sustainable Agriculture Could Help the Netherlands Reach Climate Goals and Resolve Nitrogen Issues. But the country’s most important export is knowledge.". Analytics help us deliver better content to our audience. After the United States, the Netherlands is the biggest exporter of agricultural produce in the world. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. More information on our cookie policy can be found in our Privacy Policy notice. Just as with other sectors, agriculture must also make a contribution to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions. They need to be transformed into optimization of the use of all resources, not just at the level of the farm, but also broader at local, regional, national and transnational levels. Do you have a question about circular agriculture? This is also important because the agricultural sector is extremely sensitive to the effects of climate change. The emphasis for this lies on multi-annual or permanent grasslands with various grass types and herbs. Animal manure will no longer be stored in liquid form in the manure pit, but will be separated at the farm into dry (faeces) and wet (urine). We have made sure no personally identifiable information (PII) is recorded. We have made sure no personally identifiable information (PII) is recorded. They will also produce good-quality fertiliser by separating faeces and urine in the stable or manure pit. This website uses cookies for necessary website functionalities, analytics & marketing. As already discussed, circular economy is not a blueprint: it is a collective search for new perspectives for the food supply and, in turn, for Dutch agriculture. The resilience of crops will be enhanced by using the agrobiodiversity in, on, and around fields as a form of natural pollination and organic crop protection.

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