Reed Strucker (portrayed by Stephen Moyer) is a father trying to balance his family responsibilities with his job as a district attorney. Against Sentinel Services and their human agents, that may not have meant much -- which is why he was captured and turned into a Hound -- but against other mutants, he was dangerous. Portrayed By The following contains spoilers for The Gifted episode "iMprint." In the beginning of the second season, Reed's stress causes his powers of disintegration to emerge uncontrollably.
His strong will and determination make him a worthy leader and ferocious opponent, which is why the others trusted him to lead while they were off on one of their many missions. His father repressed his x-gene when he was a child, without his knowledge. He’s been writing online for over a decade and never dreamed he’d be in the position he is today. That power and confidence increased a thousand times over once her sisters, Sophie and Phoebe, were freed in "eXploited."
He listened to Esme explaining why she and her sister needed their help. A lot of that was pure willpower and rage. Caitlin and Lauren arrived home to find portions of the house destroyed, and Reed begging them not to come any closer. From Hong Kong, currently based in Sweden.
He does this while studying language, culture, and communication at Linnaeus University. He's capable of healing people too, as we saw with Dr. Campbell and his burn wounds.
TG-Caps-1x11-3-X-1-41-Thunderbird-Eclipse-Polaris-Shatter.png\, Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. That ability allowed them to destroy anything they desired. He's not physically strong like Thunderbird but he doesn't shy away from a fight. Mutant The Owl House: 10 Things That NEED To Happen in Season 2, The Gifted: The 15 Strongest Mutants, Officially Ranked, Avatar: The Villains, Ranked By Likability, Every Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger From Weakest To Most Powerful, Star Wars: The Best Marvel Comics Stories, Ranked, Avatar: 10 Franchise Characters Who Are Actually Stronger Than Katara, Boruto: 5 Ways Boruto Is Just Like Naruto (& 5 Ways He Isn't), Shang-Chi #1 Has Solid Action But Stumbles Out of the Gate, Batman: Three Jokers Goes Full Tilt Horror With Its Second Issue, Hellblazer, John Constantine: Marks Of Woe Presents Superb DC Magical Horror, Immortal She-Hulk #1 Gives Jennifer Walters Her Time in the Spotlight, Sun Eater #1 Is a Strong Start To Dylan Sprouse's Norse Epic, The Department of Truth #1 Is a Paranoia-Fueled Odyssey.
It's more than just his mutant abilities that make him powerful. There's more to Marco Diaz than meets the eye... often literally. Luckily for them, his powers are strictly defensive, so he's not as much of a threat as the others. The Gifted has made it very clear that two of the most dangerous mutants in its world were Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker, the twins known together as Fenris. Because of this, he is incapable of entering the world without being recognized as a mutant. Chicago Med Suspends Production On Season 6, So What About Fire And P.D.? I guess, sometimes, the more you... reject the things you can't face, the worse you make it. D Edit
He knows his strength and when to use it, which makes him dangerous. He was eventually successful, albeit only after Shatter had taken a reinforced bullet straight through the back via Jace. 10 Shows To Watch If You Love The Legend Of Korra, The Owl House: 10 Amazing Pieces Of Fan Art, Legend of Korra: 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Couldn't Stand), Yu-Gi-Oh!
Together, they're the most dangerous characters on the show. ET. He took his father’s gun and shot himself in the head, not realizing that his new body made him virtually invulnerable. It started with Esme, who worked her way through the Mutant Underground in an effort to free her sisters. That we should live side by side with those who despise us. It's why -- as long as you don't think about the continuity of the franchise -- The Gifted is a great show built around a solid concept. There was and continues to be some level of uncertainty surrounding the Frost sisters. Shatter described himself as appearing “like a normal kid” until he woke up one morning to discover his powers have manifested. He eventually became a member of the Mutant Underground. Read at your own risk! It's more than just an efficient means of transportation. Aide is a man of few words and seems to do whatever Campbell commands him to do, even if it means taking a life, which is likely because he's another one of Sentinel Service's controlled mutant assets, and a powerful one at that. There's no doubt that as the character continues to develop, so to will her strength and power. Deceased It wasn't the neatest or even the fastest healing job, but it definitely did the trick. Combustion: The ability to cause objects to explode. Among the dozens of mutants saved by the Mutant Underground, one of the most useful was Wes. He is portrayed by Jermaine Rivers. Without any kind of contact, Aide was able to cause a stroke in a DOJ rep in "eXtreme Measures" and performed the same feat on multiple targets in the heat of battle in "eXtraction.". They even managed to dent their adamantium cell in "eXploited" and wreak havoc on the room on the other side. Species Now that that's clear, let's take a look at the least powerful of the bunch. Shatter crystalizes a wall. It was impressive that Sentinel Services was even able to capture Chloe, despite her mutant ability. The first line of defense for the original Mutant Underground headquarters was Pedro, who could inflict a sense of dread onto all who wandered within range. Possessed by Max. Although Fox's The Gifted is connected to the films, it doesn't have access to any of the classic X-Men characters. For Reed, he might've been able to save Shatter had he been able to help the Mutant Underground escape the Baltimore station a bit faster. Filthy Rich's Eugene Is On The Path To Redemption, But Does He Deserve It? Things are heating up on The Gifted, as the latest exchange between the Mutant Underground and Purifiers resulted in a big character's death.Unfortunately, it was Shatter that happened to … Power Rangers: Which Blue Ranger Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
She was a powerful mutant, but Sentinel Services and of course, the tragic loss of her daughter, clearly took their toll on her. The Gifted airs on Fox Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m.
The Gifted has developed a decent roster of powerful mutants. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. For the sake of potential spoilers and a little bit of inclusiveness, we're only going to go through the characters of the first season, just for those of you who haven't yet had a chance to catch the first episode of the second season (in which case, you should get on that soon). "An ambitious attorney trying to balance the demands of his job at the DA's office with his responsibilities to his family." eXposed Shatter then ran away from home, and at some point joined up with the Postman’s Morl… Separated, neither of them were particularly powerful. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He can do much more than just dazzle people with blinding light beams. Shatter was a recurring character on FOX's The Gifted. Without the aid of other mutants or special tech, the humans won't find Fade if he doesn't want to be found. " We have many enemies. Caitlin Strucker found that out the hard way in "rX." Narayan Liu (/Nəraɪʌn Lɪʊ/ in IPA) is a contributing features and news writer, and junior editor at CBR. One of the central figures in the Mutant Underground is Thunderbird, gifted with superhuman strength and senses bordering on being precognitive. Others hide in the shadows. Reeva Payge was one of the main antagonists on the second season of FOX's The Gifted. Things are heating up on The Gifted, as the latest exchange between the Mutant Underground and Purifiers resulted in a big character's death. Shatter described himself as appearing “like a normal kid” until he woke up one morning to discover his powers have manifested. Together, they were virtually unstoppable. He was a young mutant with the ability to generate incredibly detailed illusions. She was so fast, in fact, that she would become almost completely visually imperceptible until she slowed down or came to a stop. You can follow him on his blog (, on Twitter (@Narayan_Liu) or contact him directly at Narayan(dot)Liu(at) His apparent control over organic material isn't just used for offense. Series Information Possessed by Shatter. CBR takes a look at who among them are the strongest! She was able to manipulate the people around her without ever really using her powers. She had discovered her mutant abilities at a young age and could control her manipulation of matter quite well, so long as she limited herself to air molecules. Her powers may not have amounted to much in a fight -- which is partly the reason why she perished -- but they did have real effects on the war between Sentinel Services and the Mutant Underground. It's why she led the Mutant Underground and why the Frost sisters were so intent on persuading her to see things their way.
Now that he's crossed that line, it will no doubt be harder for him to sway any Purifier into showing restraint in the future. Blink has the potential to use those portals offensively and we've had glimpses of that from the character already. They could completely dominate the minds of others, which is how they took out all the Sentinel Services agents when they escaped. He had the ability to disable electronics and mutant powers. He grew up on Star Wars, DC, Marvel, and pro wrestling and loves to discuss and dissect most of it. It doesn't sound like much, but with Dreamer's moral ambiguity, the impact of those powers are considerably great. Shatter Mutant Underground The distinctive shatter patten on his face is a result of a suicide attempt using a gun. Even if it's never explicitly stated in the show, fans know that Polaris is the daughter of Magneto. — Reeva Payge. His skin was extremely durable and he had the abilities to turn any surface brittle, allowing him to then break it easily. Given he and Shatter had bonded not long before the mutant's sacrifice, it appeared Reed took some blame for what happened. It was an event that led to potentially devastating consequences for two individuals, namely Reed and Jace.
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