During that time, the best way to study the birds closely was to kill and stuff them. Refresh and try again. Complete insanity, and why we can't have nice.
This was on my to-read list as a 2005 ALA Notable Children's book, but after reading this year's Printz winner (, Informative book about the possible and all too probable demise of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (still, “hope is the thing with feathers”). A mesmerizing true story about the desperate attempts to save a species from extinction. About the Book Hardcover: 208 pages what's even sadder in this case is that it's a true story. Hoose has shared the remarkable success story of B95 in Moonbird, but in this title he documents the flip side of that in revealing the extent to which mankind and "civilization" can so easily eliminate an entire species by altering the habitat. Dr. Allen had accepted him into the program, but then he retired before Dad got there! Miami Herald Best Books of the Year "Doc" Allen and his young ornithology student, James Tanner, whose quest to save the Ivory-bill culminates in one of the first great conservation showdowns in U.S. history, an early round in what is now a worldwide effort to save species. The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker was last seen in the United States over sixty years ago. It is semi-mythical in many people's minds now, and is even described in this book as existing halfway between life and magic.
Structure—Use of Graphics: N/A ISBN-10: 0374361738 As hope for the Ivory-bill fades in the United States, the bird is last spotted in Cuba in 1987, and Cuban scientists join in the race to save it. "The Race to Save the Lord God Bird" is a readable and informative account of the actions and circumstances that brought the ivory-bill woodpecker to near-extinction in spite of a persistent human fascination with the bird and concerted efforts to save it.
This is an amazing book. A graduate of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Hoose was for 37 years a staff member of The Nature Conservancy, dedicated to preserving the plants, animals, and natural communities of the Earth. The bird only went extinct due to human's greed, after all. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. —Scott Weidensaul, author of The Ghost with Trembling Wings, “What a wonderful book! The extinction of a species that occurred over slightly more than a century is such a sad thing. Before reading this I had no idea this bird even existed, or that it’s existence (and later *possible* extinction) had such an effect on the scientific world, but it was so interesting to read and lear. I loved this book-- in simple terms and with touching stories, Hoose presents the characters involved in the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker's extinction, and the characters who tried to help save it. It's amazing to read about how badly people wanted to protect the Ivory-billed woodpecker, and how excited they would get at reports of a possible sighting. As hope for the Ivory-bill fades in the United States, the bird is last spotted in Cuba in 1987, and Cuban scientists join in the race to save it. The Ivory-billed woodpecker is a magnificent, strong bird. I love books I have connections with. The Ivory-bill carries with it an almost-mythical aura, inspiring people to take some of the first steps toward conservation and preservation. This is an excellent account of the disappearance of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Habitat was quickly destroyed and the ivory-billed woodpecker's territory was depleted until they could be found in only one small area known as the Singer Tract in Louisiana. Great Lakes Book Award – Winner Common Core State Standards Grades 9–10 Text Exemplar. Wonderful.
The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is also known as the Lord God Bird, as merely laying one's eyes upon it was enough to elicit a cry of "Lord God, what a bird!" To see what your friends thought of this book, 10 May 2004 THE RACE TO SAVE THE LORD GOD BIRD by Phillip Hoose, Farrar Straus & Giroux, August 2004, ISBN: 0-374-36173-8, This reads easily and re-enforces the importance of preserving habitat.
Structure—Organization: Low Shortly after The Race to Save the Lord God Bird appeared in print in 2004, a sighting of the Ivory-bill was reported and made national news. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Summary: This book chronicles the life of the species the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting from changes in climate, human activity, introduction of nonnative species, or changes in population size. The Race to Save the Lord God Bird: 10th Anniversary Edition.
Scientists raced to try to save this majestic bird. Kirkus Reviews Editor’s Choice For instance, "The [Civil:] War wounded so many people that in 1866 one-fifth of Mississippi's total income was spent on artificial arms and legs." But that shouldn't even matter. Published by Melanie Kroupa Books, Hoose concludes “The Ivory-bill’s story challenges us to understand creatures on their own terms. ), The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is also known as the Lord God Bird, as merely laying one's eyes upon it was enough to elicit a cry of "Lord God, what a bird!"
Wouldn't it being reestablished in any true fashion be a testament to our improvement as a species? I read this book after Phillip Hoose talked at the Beehive dinner. Before reading this I had no idea this bird even existed, or that it’s existence (and later *possible* extinction) had such an effect on the scientific world, but it was so interesting to read and learn about. ( Log Out / ( Log Out / It was known as “The Lord God Bird” for what unsuspecting travelers in the swamp or the woods often said when surprised by this loud and massive bird at close range. It is also known as the Grail Bird and the Ghost Bird.
It is also known as the Grail Bird and the Ghost Bird. what a sad book. Maddening account of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker's descent into extinction. My rating: 7.5/10, finished 2005.
Knowledge Demands—Subject Matter Knowledge: Middle Low (background knowledge helpful but not required) This was a wonderful book. Structure—Text Features: High (text boxes add important information not a part of the overall narrative) The Audubon Society and others helped educate the public and especially children about conservation.
The book begins with Alexander Wilson, considered the “Father of Ornithology”, who in 1806 began collecting and documenting the characteristics of the Ivory-bill by first killing them, and then moves through history touching on those whose interest—scientific and curiosity or business—put them in contact with the Ivory-bill including, to name a few, James Audubon, Theodore Roosevelt, James Tanner and Columbia University. Planet Earth is now in the middle of the 6th big wave of mass extinction-but it's idfferent now, human's are consuming/altering the habitats of many creatures. The ivory-bill, or Lord God bird, as many people called it, was highly prized by bird collectors in the late 1800s. The Significance of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker April 29, 2005 • Phillip Hoose explains the importance of the ivory-billed woodpecker sighting. There were times when I got so angry I yelled at the book in my hands and times when I stopped reading to cry. Additionally, I am from the Southeast and considering the history of this part of the country through the story of ivory billed woodpecker's extinction was fascinating. I'm not a huge "bird" person myself, but I found this story both saddening and inspiring. Well, nothing was learned from that. Age Range: 12 – 17 years A powerful saga that sweeps through two hundred years of history, it introduces artists like John James Audubon, bird collectors like William Brewster, and finally a new breed of scientist in Cornell's Arthur A.
Can we get smart enough fast enough to save what remains of our biological heritage? We’d love your help. This book reminds me of "The last of the Curlews" and it makes me as sad. I read somewhere that when the last Great Auk was clubbed to death people were shocked that they were gone forever. Orbis Pictus Honor Book Hoose tells the history of the life and (most likely) extinction of the Ivory-billed woodpecker. This was a wonderful book. Eventually, mindsets changed and people began to realize that if these birds were hunted for collections, there would be no more in the wild. The tragedy of extinction is explained through the dramatic story of a legendary bird, the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, and of those who tried to possess it, paint it, shoot it, sell it, and, in a last-ditch effort, save it. —Paul R. Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb and President, Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, “Phil Hoose uses his wonderful storytelling skills to give us the most thorough and readable account to date of the personalities, fashions, economics, and politics that combined to bring about the demise of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. The ivory-billed woodpecker was a bird that roamed the wetlands and ancient forests of the southern U.S.
Listen to NPR Interview, “The Significance of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.”
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