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It’s a lot easier than it sounds in writing once you see it with your own eyes! Participate in this year's Destination Asia Festival in an exciting way by purchasing a lantern to be used in our Toro Nagashi lantern display!
Next you’ll need to line up and wait for someone to light the candle in the lantern.
Traditionally Toro Nagashi are a ritual sending off of spirits to the other world. Which one you should consider attending therefore depends on your travel plans. ã§ã³ãã¥ã¼ãã¼, âToro Nagashiâ, which can be participated in online using computers and smartphones, Online âHiroshima River of Love 2020â, which will convey the late Barefoot Gen author Keiji Nakazawaâs thoughts and messages in his poem through song. For the those interested in the history, Tokyo’s Toro Nagashi has roots dating back to right after World War II. Therefore, in your efforts to get a good shot with your camera, try to avoid pushing and shoving. First you’ll be given a paper lantern and a pen to write with. As always, be sure to hit up Hyperdia or a similar service before departing to calculate your best route. Over time the event became popular around the world but it was put on hold for some years hold after the Sumida River was encased in concrete in 1965. Honestly though, you can likely just follow the crowds. History of Toro Nagashi The first ceremony of its kind took place in Japan in 1946 and the tradition continues to live on today. If you found this article helpful and are interested in giving back, consider making a small donation via my Buy Me a Coffee page. Today’s post is going to be a little bit weird. First held in 1946, it was original called the “Festival of Recovery” and was used to kick-off Japan’s rebirth. Nevertheless, the ease of access coupled with its location near one of Tokyo’s most popular attractions means you’ll need to expect crowds. (Courtesy of Hiroshima - 3rd Generation Exhibition: Succeeding to History) You can float your lantern while at home, within and outside Hiroshima Prefecture, or even from overseas. Website managed and maintained by Hiroshima Convention & Visitors Bureau (HCVB), All rights reserved to the Tourism Policy Department of the City of Hiroshima. Hiroshima Toro Nagashi Matsuri. It was first held in 1946 as a way to commemorate the lives lost in the US bombings of Tokyo and other Japanese cities during World War II. Online Toro Nagashi is carried out in a virtual space using the internet, instead of actually floating lanterns down a real river. While the lantern-floating custom itself dates back to ancient times, Hiroshima's Toro Nagashi was begun in 1947 as a consolation to the souls of the millions of Japanese citizens who perished during World War II. Do some digging to see which matches your schedule! Then, at 8:00 p.m., watch as our staff launch the lanterns into Meadow Lake for everyone to admire. I’ve seen a lot of amazing sights in Japan over the years and few things live up to its haunting beauty! Luckily there will be others there with you so just pay attention to people in front of you and do what they do. With the flame ablaze, you’ll be then instructed to launch the your wish-bearing float into the water. The resulting procession of floating lights creates an otherworldly atmosphere that will send a chill up your spine. Likewise, Kanazawa (as seen in the video above) and many other cities also have Toro Nagashi but the dates are subject to change every year. When I was at the Asakusa Toro Nagashi I saw far too many tourists completely disrespecting the rules in a vain attempt to snap a pic. Rather than a singular event, we’re going to be taking a look at what’s collectively called Toro Nagashi (meaning “lantern cruises”). Oftentimes, the Japanese Toro Nagashi festival will coincide with Obon , a Buddhist Festival honoring departed family members, and usually lasts for three days.
Participants release candle-lit lanterns into rivers as a way to help guide spirits to the other world. First held in 1946, it was original called the “Festival of Recovery” and was used to kick-off Japan’s rebirth. While the lantern-floating custom itself dates back to ancient times, Hiroshima's Toro Nagashi was begun in 1947 as a consolation to the souls of the millions of Japanese citizens who perished during World War II. ONLINE TORO NAGASHI . Historically people would mark their floats wishes for the safe passage of loved ones to the afterlife but you can write any desire you may have. Purchase a lantern online and on Friday, July 31 add a special design or the name of a loved one. Deeply poignant, visually enchanting, and imbued with the hope that Hiroshima's experience never be repeated anywhere in the world, the Toro Nagashi ceremony is best viewed from one of the bridges spanning the Motoyasu River. If you’re in Japan during the summer months, I highly suggest you add a Toro Nagashi event to the itinerary. The ceremony runs from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies. The ceremony is held on August 6, about a week ahead of Obon, to coincide with the anniversary of the bombing. Toro Nagashi is often referred to by the alternative name ‘the Festival of Recovery’, which ties into the sad origins of the custom. Locals and visitors alike are invited to write prayers for peace on around 8,000 often colorful lanterns, which are then set afloat to drift slowly down the Motoyasu River, passing in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome (A-bomb Dome). Lanterns are inscribed with the names of those deceased, then lit and set afloat as a way of accompanying the spirits as they depart for another year. I shouldn’t need to say this but try not to be a jerk. Given Hiroshima's history as the first place in the world to experience an atomic bombing, in which a significant percentage of its citizens were killed, the city's Toro Nagashi ceremony is especially significant, and it is one of Japan's largest. The Toro Nagashi ceremony celebrates this. Be sure to check for the latest info; Google is your friend here. Each of the rivers in these two major areas are easily identifiable landmarks. Visitors wishing to float lanterns of their own can be purchase them from 6:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. at reception tents on either side of the river.
The celebration was then only recently revived in 2005 for all to enjoy. Typically these celebrations are held during the summer Obon period. Every August 6, the first atomic bombing in history is commemorated in the city of Hiroshima.In only a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of souls perished after the bomb called ‘Fat man’ was dropped. Every year across the country there are several Toro Nagashi events during the months of July and August. Just be careful not to knock the candle over and set your lantern ablaze! Toro Nagashi are very popular with both locals and tourists alike so there should be significant foot traffic and/or others who you can ask. Entry is at 7:30 p.m. and lanterns will be launched just after 8 p.m. Japanese Ghost Stories While your journey will ultimately depend on which Toro Nagashi you choose to attend, both Arashiyama and Asakusa’s events are easy to get to. Toro Nagashi, a ceremony in which paper lanterns are set afloat on rivers, is held at locations across Japan, usually to coincide with the mid-August Obon period, when the spirits of deceased ancestors are believed to return to their hometowns.
At present, every year in Hiroshima there is a great ceremony in memory of this unfortunate event. Copyright(C) Hiroshima City. Though my guides will always be available for free, even small contributions help in offsetting the massive costs that I incur while sourcing them. All of this this might sound a bit confusing. The midsummer Asasuka Toro Nagashi in Tokyo is likely the most convenient for travelers. For the those interested in the history, Tokyo’s Toro Nagashi has roots dating back to right after World War II. Should you not find yourself in Tokyo, Kyoto’s famous Arashiyama district also runs its own annual event. The above warning aside, if you do decide to participate, here’s what you should expect. See our privacy policy for more information.
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