Secure collection for safe transport to the Lab! Lays flat to air dry. Double swab tips accommodates multiple sampling sites. Use in general-purpose cell collection, testing, screening. Single swab contains Cary-Blair agar for fecal specimens and as sterile swab only for general specimen collection and transport. Choose from different moistening media to improve the preservation of specific samples. Mini Tip Swab with Amies Transport Medium. The pre-filled bottles come sterilized and with ample head-space for additional sample. You can search our application library here. Sterile swabs come in sealed dry transport tubes. Suitable for use as buccal swab and for other cell collection for testing including DNA. Environmental. Aluminium shaft. For use as dry transport device in cell collection and transport to the lab. Ideal for diagnostic specimen collection and DNA testing. They can also be used in the food industry within the scope of hygiene controls and for sample collection from various surfaces. Use in collection of specimens from throats, for gynecological... Puritan Cell Collection Twin Pack Regular Tip Polyester Swabs Also suitable for DNA testing. Miraclean Technology Co. Ltd Nasal, Oral and Throat Swabs, BD Falcon Swube Stick/Polyester Tip Applicators, Chlamydia Transport Swabs, Rayon, Sterile, HydraFlock 6" Sterile Elongated Flock Swab w/Plastic Handle & Dry Transport Tube, Cultureswab Plus Amies w / o Charc Single, BD Falcon Swube Screw Cap/Cotton Tip Applicators, Vaginal Transport System, Transport Tube Includes: (1) Rayon Swab For Use with…, Sterile Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal Swabs, Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal Specimen Collection/Nasal Swabs, BVBLUE Transport Tubes, Includes: (1) Cotton Swab For Use with BVBLUE Test,…, Disposable Samplers with ITM (Inactivation Transport Medium), Disposable Samplers with VTM (Viral Transport Medium) with Phenol Red, Disposable Samplers, VTM (Viral Transport Medium), without Phenol Red. Swabs are used to collect and transport bacteriological, serological and cytological samples. We continue to set science in motion to create a better world by providing you with the right solutions to keep moving forward. Double swab accommodates multiple sampling sites. If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask us. Label has space for collection... Sterile DNA Collection Swab Transport Swabs. vopred vycentrovaný kondenzor a možnosť fixácie oboch okulárov... Okrúhle sedadlo z čierneho polyuretánu... Veľké, mäkké čalúnené vankúše, ktoré sú anatomicky tvarované s oporou panvy a integrovanou oporou dolnej časti chrbtice pre väčšie pohodlie... Jednoducho ovládateľný viacúčelový dvojposchodový vozík, ktorý sa dá stlačením tlačidla zložiť naplocho v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd. Cotton tip. Highly absorbent cotton swab tip is made from USP (U.S. Pharma) grade cotton fiber (grown in the USA) to... Puritan Sterile Regular Tip Rayon Swab and Transport Tube Designed for DNA and... Puritan Sterile Polyester Double Swab with Transport Tube PurFlock Ultra's high purity... PurFlock Ultra Flocked Swab w/Transport Tube Ideal for rapid diagnostic testing! Puritan Cap-Shure Sterile Buccal Cotton Swab All include a round bottom tube made from polypropylene resin which will securely hold the swab, maintaining a sterile environment. All transport kits include a range of swabs with a choice of synthetic and natural materials, allowing the user to tailor cost and performance (user instructions). Features and Benefits Individually wrapped Qualitative and semi-quantitative hygiene control Sterile packed…, …Tape 10) Transfer Pipettes 3) 50ml Polypropylene Collection Tubes 40) 6" Sterile Cotton Tip Swabs 2/pk (80 total swabs) 100) Bio-Swabs 2) 5ml Sterile Water Ampules 40) Swab Boxes 10) Tongue Depressors 10) Cuticle Sticks 5) Combs 12) Plastic Disposable Tweezers…, …4.25" Glassine Envelopes 10 Transfer Pipettes 3) 50ml Polypropylene Collection Tubes 40) 6" Sterile Cotton Tip Swabs 2/pk 2) 5ml Sterile Water Ampules 2 Safety Goggles 2 Black Sharpies 2 Black Ink Pens 24) 4 x 4" Clear J Lifts 10)…, The ideal solution for biohazard or non-hazardous waste. Swabs & Applicators. Other Home → Sample Collection Devices → Transport Swab. Choice of Amies Transport Media and other formulations. Môžu byť k dispozícii alternatívy, ktoré sa dajú vyhľadať pomocou katalógového čísla VWR uvedeného vyššie. We have become experts in scientific operations, improving performance with sophisticated solutions and providing guidance on best practices. Don't have a web profile? Opis: Collection and transport swabs for bacterial specimens with applicators and transport media. Nontoxic, rayon-tipped swab 5.25 inch plastic swab shaft Round-bottomed tube, …of swabbed organisms to the laboratory without loss in viability. Vaše prihlásenie vypršalo. You can check out as a guest! Uistite sa prosím, že ste prihlásený/á na tejto lokalite, aby sa mohli zobraziť dostupné zásoby. Single swab contains Cary-Blair agar for fecal specimens and as sterile swab only for general specimen collection and transport. When collecting a specimen for testing and screening, using a trustworthy dry transport system for transportation to the lab is essential. Dry Transport system, securely holds swab for... HydraFlock® Flocked Sterile Swab, Elongated Swab w/Transport Tube Spoločnosť VWR je dnes popredným dodávateľom špecializovaných farbiacich materiálov na trhu s produktmi pre patológiu. Double polyester flock swab accommodates multiple sampling sites, providing excellent absorption and elution of specimens when high levels of absorbency aren't necessary... PurFlock® Ultra Flocked Swab w/Transport Tube If you need to talk to us, please click here to request a call back, Update to Avantor’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, For all your storage and organisational needs, sampling and general storage, specialist storage and transport, lab organisation products, chemical handling, waste, cleaning, first aid and safety plus much more. VWR continues to offer a state of the art e-Commerce portfolio for customers. Get Transystem™ Request a Sample Try it for yourself! We set science in motion to create a better world. Versatility transport media, recommended for transporting and preserving microbiological samples,such as bacteria, fungi and virus. According to the utilized medium, three kinds of products are manufactured, which contains liquid Amies, liquid Stuart and VTM, bulk or set pack are available on requirements. Handle Materials Puritan utilizes a wide variety of quality swab handle materials for…, …by RT-PCR Nest nylon flocked swabs provide optimum specimen collection because of their ability to collect more specimen at the collection site and to more rapidly release the entire sample specimen. Polyester swabs are non-absorbent and contains no fatty acids or latent sugars, making it ideal for specimen transport, lab work,... Puritan Sterile Cotton Swab W/ Transport Tube document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Due to global supply shortages, orders from Existing Customers have priority. We Believe You Are Important, How Can We Help? Dennodenne vytvárame portfólio produktov pre svojich klinických zákazníkov... 3-násobná odolnosť voči prepichnutiu latexových alebo vinylových jednorazových rukavíc – AQL 0,65... Ovládanie rýchlosti, času a nastavenia sklonu pomocou dotykovej klávesnice počas prevádzky... Na odber alebo vstreknutie liečiv z vialiek s gumenými zátkami a sklenených nádržiek. Dry Transport Swabs. For general-purpose use, as a medication applicator, for wound dressing and cleaning. -Na zakúpenie tejto položky môže byť potrebná dodatočná dokumentácia. All rights reserved. HydraFlock provides superior collection and release of specimens. PurFlock Ultra's high purity characteristics makes it an ideal swab for various rapid diagnostic tests including, specimen collection, buccal cell... Puritan Cap-Shure Sterile Cotton Swabs Individually wrapped to prevent sample contamination Excellent for detection or…, Puritan’s new dry transport system securely holds a swab in a round bottom tube made from virgin polypropylene resin, creating a safe and sterile environment to accommodate many different styles of collection devices. Tip Protector and Swab in one Sterile Package Transystem™: Traditional Bacteriology Transport Swabs For Collection and Transport of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria With an extensive range of traditional bacteriology transport systems the Transystem™ product line serves all sample collection and transport needs in clinical bacteriology. Packing: Individual peel pack, Ak hľadáte radu odborníka a prístup k sortimentu špecializovaných možností a fáz, ktoré sa ťažko vyhľadávajú, odborníci zo spoločnosti Avantor® vám pomôžu.
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