, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, disinterested in common moral order: idle, parasitical, hedonistic, criminal, disinterested in or against adhering to structure of, identification with an area (street, neighborhood, club) rather than self-owned property, preferring to develop "family" and community outside of traditional paradigms. Un•der•ground (un’der ground’), n., adj.
Pressure to 'fit in,' even just within a small niche community, may influence personal style.
(2007) Goth: Undead Subculture. It may exhibit itself as a fringe style – extremely attention-grabbing and more artistic than practical – but it can also develop from anti-fashion sentiments that focus on simplistic utilitarian drives (e.g. The French underground culture which inspired Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg in America in the 1940s was steeped in socialist thinking before the cold war began. The most headline-grabbing event in recent years related to alternative fashion was the wave of anti-Gothic policies and commentary that flooded through common culture in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre. One last thing…. [6] Alternative fashion generally lays down a challenge to accepted norms, though the reactions received by wearers of alternative fashion from those who adhere to more conventional stylings can be as diverse as the wearers themselves. This change in the availability and commodification of alternative fashions has encouraged much broader use of styles in the mainstream once only found in niche groups. Hall,Stuart.
Particularly in a sociopolitical sense alternative fashion has often been intentionally adopted by an individual or group to display a break from the beliefs or mores of popular culture and as a form of self-expression that challenged the boundaries of what was considered appropriate, fashionable or practical. "Who's a Hipster?" Brake,Mike. The sheer volume of literature about alternative and subculture fashion, ranging from serious sociological studies to 'guide books' for the casual reader,[23] display how involved, or at least interested, in alternative fashion a large portion of society is. "Underground"® and "Under"® are registered Trademarks Underground Retail Ltd has been granted a Licence to use and display these Trademarks. The 1960s and 1970s underground cultural movements had some connections to the "beat generation" which had, in turn, been inspired by the philosophers, artists and poets of the Paris Existentialist movement which gathered around Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in the years after World War II. : grunge fashion, which was largely based around comfort and availability). For example, the Underground Railroad was a network of clandestine routes by which African slaves in the 19th century United States attempted to escape to freedom. [16][17] For instance, greasers of the 1950s were associated with street gangs and random acts of juvenile violence, hippies of the 1960s (along with ravers of the 1980–90s) with promiscuity, anti-establishment agendas and, especially, drug use and those sporting hip hop style in the 1980s-now with the selling of drugs and other criminal behavior. Kass, Jeff. In general, alternative, or 'alt', fashion does not conform to widely popular style trends of the times that have widespread popularity. [18] The subculture as a whole, though extremely diverse in religious and social beliefs, was pigeonholed by the media as a dangerous influence on children. underground meaning: 1. below the surface of the earth; below ground: 2. See more.
[14] For instance, rave culture was heavily associated with ideas of racial, gender and sexual orientation equality and encouraged unity, creativity and individuality amongst its members. (2009)Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes-from Punk to Indie and Everything in Between. [4][5] However, sociological studies into exploring alternative fashion have found individuals who retained statistically uncommon modes of dress on a permanent post-adolescent basis. Hodkinson, Paul. We want you all to stay healthy and positive. Learn more. English, Bonnie.
Some prominent examples of influences, regardless of genre or label, are: Like many other aspects of alternative culture, alt fashion is often heavily influenced by music and the dress style of individual bands or musicians. The unmodified term "The underground" was a common name for World War II resistance movements. Greenberg,Arielle. Alternative fashion is fashion that, at least at one time, stood apart from mainstream commercial fashion. Underground culture, or simply underground, is a term to describe various alternative cultures which either consider themselves different from the mainstream of society and culture, or are considered so by others. (2004)After Subculture: Critical Studies in Contemporary Youth Culture. Smith,Courney & Topham,Sean. (2004).Rave culture and religion. It was later applied to counter-cultural movement(s) many of which sprang up during the 1960s. Since then, the term has come to designate various subcultures such as mod culture, hippie culture, punk rock culture, techno music/rave culture and underground hip hop. McKell, Iain (2004) Fashion Forever: 30 Years of Subculture. Sartre and Camus were members of Combat, a French resistance group formed in 1942 by Henri Frenay. [19], Mainstream culture, particularly retailers and the media, have often looked to alternative fashion for up and coming trends and, increasingly, as an easy way to market products to a niche group that may not be having its tastes supplied elsewhere. Simon, Leslie. Modern individual alternative fashion genres, and their wearers, may have homogenized or diverse influences that vary from group to group and person to person but some basic similarities do exist across the scope of alt fashion. [21] (2009) Columbine: A True Crime Story, a victim, the killers and the nation's search for answers. (2009)Goths, Gamers, and Grrrls: Deviance and Youth Subcultures. An underground activity is secret and usually…. : dress styles, traditional and modern, from other cultures (such as, various forms of visual and performance art, including painting, sculpture, film and television. [20] Some in the alternative community view this as flattering and as a positive expansion of what is socially acceptable, and easily available, fashion. August 8, 2008. (1990) Resistance Through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-War Britain.
Gelder, Ken. Alternative fashion is often considered a modern concept but it, and the concept of subculture it is often related to, have existed for centuries. Julia Plevin. (2006)Youth Subcultures: Exploring Underground America. Underground culture, or simply underground, is a term to describe various alternative cultures which either consider themselves different from the mainstream of society and culture, or are considered so by others. Straw, W. (1991) "Systems of Articulation, Logics of Change:Communities and Scenes in Popular music" Cultural studies, 5 (3) :368-88, Muggleton,David. These factors led to an insurgence of young people interested in emulating rave style, and obtaining the substances associated with it, rather than in promoting the utopian precepts originally associated with raves.[22]. Osgersby,Bill. Frenay, Sartre and Camus were all involved in publishing Underground newspapers for the resistance.
The commodification of rave fashions in chain outlets and internet boutiques coincided with a media frenzy focusing on drug use in the rave community. The crime, perpetrated by two young men dressed in black trench coats who were known to be fans of heavy, dark themed music, was immediately associated with the Gothic subculture in the media despite the teens' lack of any concrete affiliation with the dress or musical style usually given this label.
Reynolds,Simon. Extreme Fashion. When a previously non-mainstream style becomes popular the core group of a certain alternative niche may be watered down with dozens or even hundreds of individuals who are not genuinely invested in the advancement of alternative culture or its precepts of individuality and present an image of the subculture not at all related to its traditional members' behaviors.
The phrase "underground railroad" was resurrected and applied in the 1960s to the extensive network of draft counseling groups and houses used to help Vietnam-era draft dodgers escape to Canada,[1] and was also applied in the 1970s to the clandestine movement of people and goods by the American Indian Movement in and out of occupied Native American reservation lands. For example, the Underground Railroad was a network of clandestine routes by which African s (2004)The Post-Subcultures Reader.
Jenks, Chris. Underground definition is - beneath the surface of the earth. Thank you once again for everyone who has supported Underground Fashion Boutique!
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