Just because someone is famous and rich in the public eye, does not mean that they have done something worthy to be there.
Intermediate-level text-based reading comprehension exercises. They are attract us whenever I watch Film or TV. Well, when we talk about celebrities, we immediately think about famous singers or actors, but we forget about clever scientists who made a huge difference in this world, and who truly deserve to be talked about, imitated, and to be extremely wonderful role models.
I am really distracted when they scream and make such a fuss about the celebrities' out looking, hair style, and their clothes. I’ll bet not that many. I have used this lesson as weekend reading homework for my upper-intermediate adult students. As was expected, the celebrities were significantly more narcissistic than the MBAs and both groups were a lot more narcissistic than the general population. Really, I'm not interested on celebrities. It is not bad to have a celebrity as a role model. While (English Grammar), Workplace Negotiation Role-plays & Discussion Expressions (ESL). Are you an upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) learner of English? The article can be accessed freely here and printed in 2.5 pages. As we can see from celebrity magazines, they are also often desperate and lonely. It doesn't do us any harm ... or does it? There are reading texts with exercises for levels from beginner (A2), intermediate (B1) and upper intermediate (B2). I have not provided the text in my lesson plan because I do not hold the copyright. I hate when people blame the celebrities about their children's bad behavior, it is not their fault. They might say, for example, they would spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or that they would do something illegal if the celebrity asked them to. Four kinds of celebrity were included in the sample. I do not think that celebrities are bad for us.
They wants to make media attention from what they do.Some celebrities over rated.They are lucky because They are related rich family.They have not talent .I have jealous to some celebrities .I want to live in big house .I want to learn high salary.Celebrities have huge money. Note: if you use the vocabulary questions below, you might want to highlight the words in the article (by underlining them) to make it easier for students to find them. Now this is an epic gamer moment right here, maybe true for some people, but in my country (VietNam) most of celebs are very tanlented and they are good role models. Reading Comprehension Exercises. English Current recommends Grammarly as a learning tool to reduce English mistakes. Explain the author’s distinction between human. Some artists are very inspiring people that have made an impact on the young generations today. Teachers in the classroom and at home are sure to find our materials very useful. In your own words, what is the main message the author wants to share? I can't. What do you think this is? The person I’m gonna talk about is my bias ever since I was a teenage girl-Miley Cyrus. I think celebrities who get famous for doing nothing are usually the type to do the things I mentioned above.
Next came comedians, who scored highest on exhibitionism and feelings of superiority. Upper intermediate B2 Reading practice to help you understand texts with a wide vocabulary where you may need to consider the writer's opinion. These people are more at risk from depression and anxiety. But, in my opinion, the celebrities can be negative because it affects to young people's behavior, but I also believe that there are some, who are role models who have qualities and virtues that we admire for hard work or determination in their career. Making Time Starts Now – First, make a list of things you would do if you had more time. And if we only get focused and obsessed on their perfect body, in some ways, that's our problem. Unfortunately everyone today is obsessed with people who don't motivate them to be a better person. The Disease of Being Busy (Upper-Intermediate Reading Lesson), The Difference between 'a few/few/a little/little', The Difference between "Other" & "Another", disease-being-busy-upperintermediate-10272016.docx, Phoning It In (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Reading Lesson), Bad Habits to Break to Improve Your Life (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Political Correctness (PC) Gone Mad (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan), Bottled Water: The Marketing Trick of the Century (Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan), Bottled Water: The Marketing Trick of the Century (Advanced ESL Lesson Plan), The Difference: When vs.
Our short reading articles with follow up comprehension questions are great resources for ESL EFL teachers or to prepare for major exams.
Select from the subjects below, or browse by level: beginner, intermediate or advanced. For example, 43. If you know him, an korean actor :).
Even artists like Selena Gomez who has gone through deep depression ends up getting through has given hope to those with mental health issues. I don't think that there's any celebrity who is a good role model. Can you? Other artists also have great values, such as billie eillish. If you didn’t read it, why didn’t you. I'm not interested in celeboorities actually. We must do things prudently. Upper-Intermediate. What does the author see in his students? Researchers looked at 200 celebrities, 200 young adults with Masters in Business Administration (a group known for being narcissistic) and a nationally representative sample using the same questionnaire. She always takes part in charity works and always lets her fans know about problems all around the world. And that's because the most popular celebs nowadays didn't really accomplish anything. So, the celebrities are giving very harmful effects us for distract us, and make us to be punched by their fans! Upper intermediate B2 listening; Advanced C1 listening; Reading. Or can people always make time for their friends and loved ones? Philosopher Blaise Pascal argued that we make ourselves busy in life to avoid thinking about some of life’s deepest and scariest questions, such as “Why am I here? They are famous because of the thing that they do, they should do a good thing which is not harmful for anyone, that what they should do. What about the celebrities themselves? Free Online Reading Comprehension Worksheets For ESL / SAT / GRE / TOEFL / K12 : Practice your reading skills and improve your English while learning new facts from interesting reading passages. i do not think so. Believe or not, being one of the 5% group guys mentioned in the article is not a good thing, although I was. There's a saying in business: “If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” We know, we know; things like your tea… I don't think that they are bad because we have to remember, were not all perfect. Read the article to find out if celebrities really are bad for you. Think about that, how many of you knew this? How to be a good listener if someone is upset, Stan Lee, the man who invented Spider-Man. Can you understand it? What surprised the author when he visited his neighbor? truthful celebs are writers, though some use ghostwriters. The first rule of championing yourself at work is to have something worth crowing about. Is being vegan more environmentally friendly. My personal opinion is that It is weird to be obsessed with a celebrity besides It is really a problem for your psychological health. A growing collection of English reading comprehension exercises. Not all the celebraties are standing in the same zone.they have regardless inclination irrepectively...we can't hoot every one because some of them r really holding amiability...influential celebraties are helping the destitute by creating charity.so we should follow only those who are worthy of fame in the true sense of the term. Your email address will not be published. Are you an upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) learner of English?
But I learnt english by being a fan of one famous guy that I don't wanna mention name.
I think it's fine to love them. It doesn't do us any harm ... or does it? Do you agree that celebrities make disastrous role models? For example, Sushant Singh Rajput, an actor, was a true influencer. I guess most people at the same age as me grew up with Disney Channel and among its successful series, Hannah Montana starring Miley Cyrus would always be on top of my list. Getting arrested, and the mop bucket incident. Despite of the fame she has now, she still is very humble and kind to everyone. About 15% of young people have an ‘entertainment-social’ interest. Thank you for this inspiring article and lesson. Improve your reading comprehension skills with Lingolia! I'd say the least narcissistic and
Is this more common here compared to where you lived before?
So, the point is, the young fans insulted US and PUNCH us and even pretend to CRY and WE ARE SCOWLED BY OUR HOMEROOM TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Creative minds and inventive spirits have a large effect on our life style, and we have to be grateful for them. Wow, I feel scared but I can hoot them with laughter......! Does my life have meaning? Upper intermediate B2. Foreword: The Disease of Being Busy is an article written by Omid Safi for Onbeing.org. I mean... they will obviously be so beautiful but not beacuse they are conceited. Which celebrities do you think are good role models? Have a good look. News Update (March 2020) ... True/false reading comprehension questions based on an article about Charlie Chaplin's early life. For homework, you spent an hour (or more) reading this article. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). How sad for their young minds-. Yeah some of us could take them as a role model and it is fine as long as they do not judge them when they do mistakes and it should be by their own desire to take them as a role model if they like them in something. (punch! I dont think that all artists are actually bad role models. If you found this page helpful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support! We all make mistakes. Articles about learning, using and teaching the English language, including advice, tutorials, … Then they say we insulted them. A demon loves narcissists.... What's wrong with enjoying a bit of celebrity gossip? I personally like humble celebrities. This section offers reading practice to help you understand texts with a wide vocabulary where you may need to consider the writer's opinion. There are celebrities who don't deserve to be seen as role models, because they haven't done anything right and appropriate. Celebrities are everywhere nowadays: on TV, in magazines, online. Texts include articles, reports, messages, short stories and reviews. You might not know, but Justin Bieber donated $545,00 to a charity. What is the author’s opinion of the technological improvements we have seen in recent decades? In my opinion, although the idolization of celebrities can be negative because it affects to young people's character and behavior, it is not all disadvantages. Upper intermediate B2 reading . WAIT WHO SAID THAT THE CELEBRITIES SHOULD BE ROLE MODEL FOR US? Vocabulary – Write down definitions of the following key words.
In my opinion there are still good role model for celebrities, I dunno actually bcs I seldom watch TV program but I guess Yon-Sama. Practise reading and answer comprehension questions in this section of the website. Take Shailene Woodley as an example. They make disastrous role models. I do not think that celebrities are bad for us. 52. Free interactive reading exercises online to learn English Okay, they are really beautiful and they wear elegant clothes, and it could happen that girls get focused on their perfect body.
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