The Turks, under Mustafa Kemal, rejected the treaty and fought the Turkish War of Independence, resulting in the abortion of that text, never ratified,[128] and the abolition of the Sultanate.
"[193] 69.4% of the respondents reported that they or their wives cover their heads (1.3% reporting chador), although this rate decreases in several demographics: 53% in ages 18–28, 27.5% in university graduates, 16.1% in masters-or-higher-degree holders. [185] There are also some estimated 10 to 15 million Alevi Muslims in Turkey. Ethnic Turks continue to inhabit certain regions of Greece, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Romania, and Bulgaria since they first settled there during Ottoman period. [98] By the 12th century, Europeans had begun to call the Anatolian region "Turchia" or "Turkey", the land of the Turks. ^ d: This includes Turkish settlers. [20], A notable scale of Turkish migration to Australia began in the late 1940s when Turkish Cypriots began to leave the island of Cyprus for economic reasons, and then, during the Cyprus conflict, for political reasons, marking the beginning of a Turkish Cypriot immigration trend to Australia. While the legal use of the term "Turkish" as it pertains to a citizen of Turkey is different from the term's ethnic definition,[81][82] the majority of the Turkish population (an estimated 70–75 percent) is of Turkish ethnicity. [169] Furthermore, in 2001, the Baku Institute of Peace and Democracy suggested that there was between 90,000 and 110,000 Meskhetian Turks living in Azerbaijan. To mark the occasion, traditionally seen as the transition to a fully blooded male, a present like a memorable watch is given to the boy. In addition, a Turkish diaspora has been established with modern migration, particularly in Western Europe. The number of Turkish invaders was probably rather small and was genetically diluted by the large number of aborigines." By the early 1960s, migration to Western and Northern Europe increased significantly from Turkey when Turkish "guest workers" arrived under a "Labour Export Agreement" with Germany in 1961, followed by a similar agreement with the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria in 1964; France in 1965; and Sweden in 1967.
Turkic peoples, any of various peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic family of languages. In 1071, the Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert, beginning the enlargement of their empire and sphere of influence in Anatolia; the Turkish language and Islam were introduced to Anatolia and gradually spread over the region. It is natively spoken by the Turkish people in Turkey, Balkans, the island of Cyprus, Meskhetia, and other areas of traditional settlement that formerly, in whole or part, belonged to the Ottoman Empire.
A #Turkish lady making a traditional carpet by hand. [195], The largest autosomal study of Turkish genetics (on 16 individuals) concluded that the Turkish population form a cluster with Southern European populations and that the East Asian (presumably Central Asian) legacy to the Turkish people is estimated to be 21.7%. [115] Selim I dramatically expanded the empire's eastern and southern frontiers in the Battle of Chaldiran and gained recognition as the guardian of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
", "Ukrainian Census (2001):The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue", "YURTDIŞINDAKİ VATANDAŞLARIMIZLA İLGİLİ SAYISAL BİLGİLER (31.12.2009 tarihi itibarıyla)", "Religion, Secularism and the Veil in Daily Life Survey", "THE ALEVI OF ANATOLIA: TURKEY'S LARGEST MINORITY", "TURKEY - Christians in eastern Turkey worried despite church opening", "BBC News - When Muslims become Christians", "The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency", "Transeurasian ancestry: A case of farming/language dispersal", "UNFICYP: United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "20680-Ancestry (full classification list) by Sex Australia", "Avustralya'daki Kıbrıslı Türkler ve Temsilcilik...", "Avustralyalı Türkler'den, TRT Türk'e tepki", "Turkish Protestants still face "long path" to religious freedom - The Christian Century", "TURKEY: Protestant church closed down - Church In Chains - Ireland An Irish voice for suffering, persecuted Christians Worldwide", "More secular, green Turkey wanted: Poll", Whole genome sequencing of Turkish genomes reveals functional private alleles and impact of genetic interactions with Europe, Asia and Africa, "Genetic evidence for an origin of the Armenians from Bronze Age mixing of multiple populations", "Genetic relationships of European, Mediterranean, and SW Asian populations using a panel of 55 AISNPs", "Turkish Population Structure and Genetic Ancestry Reveal Relatedness among Eurasian Populations", "Revealing the Genetic Impact of the Ottoman Occupation on Ethnic Groups of East-Central Europe and on the Roma Population of the Area", "Mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine population reveals the differential impact of multiple historical events in South Anatolia", "Comparing maternal genetic variation across two millennia reveals the demographic history of an ancient human population in southwest Turkey",, "Dıştaki gençlerin askerlik sorunu çözülmedikçe…", "Turkish Bulgarians fastest-growing group of immigrants in The Netherlands", "Data on immigrants in Greece, from Census 2001, Legalization applications 1998, and valid Residence Permits, 2004", State statistics committee of Ukraine – National composition of population, 2001 census, "Chapter Two: Contemporary Conditions and Dilemmas", "Osmanlı Yönetimi Döneminde Tunus ve Cezayir'in Eğitim ve Kültür Tarihine Genel Bir Bakış", "Diaspora philanthropy – a growing trend", "Suriye Kürtleri: Siyasi Etkisizlik ve Suriye Devleti'nin Politikaları", "Turkish Communities in the Russian Federation", "John Dewey in Turkey: An Educational Mission", "Who Are the Anatolian Turks? Ottoman architecture, influenced by Seljuk, Byzantine and Islamic architecture, came to develop a style all of its own. Compared to Turkish immigration to Europe, migration to North America has been relatively small.
^ i: A further 30,000 Bulgarian Turks live in Sweden. They are the largest ethnic group in Turkey, as well as by far the largest ethnic group among the Turkic peoples. Ethnic Turkish minorities exist in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire. [170] Overall, Ottoman architecture has been described as a synthesis of the architectural traditions of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Turkish people or the Turks (Turkish: Türkler), also known as Anatolian Turks (Turkish: Anadolu Türkleri), are a Turkic ethnic group and nation living mainly in Turkey and speaking Turkish, the most widely spoken Turkic language. [150] In 1967, the governments of Australia and Turkey signed an agreement to allow Turkish citizens to immigrate to Australia. Although the Ottomans were only a small principality among the numerous Turkish beyliks, and thus posed the smallest threat to the Byzantine authority, their location in north-western Anatolia, in the former Byzantine province of Bithynia, became a fortunate position for their future conquests.
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