Try to move quickly ensuring your path is clear or find a spot to bed in and wait for players to come past you. Patch Changes Edit. var current_map = "woods"
return new Array($('td', this).map(function() { languageDict = "RU" background-color: #fff; for (var i in translationData) { A large, outdoor map, Woods has a huge number of extraction points to learn.
Near to the shore of the lake, just on the other side of the large rock at the lakeside, is a small camp.
// ----------------------------------------- } languageDict = "KO" addMapItem(true, 'PMC Extract', translated_extracts_name, "") var interactiveMapIconNames = {} tooltipAnchor: [0, 0], white-space: pre; if (skipAddingNewFilterOption){ var leafletMapItem = {
var interactiveMapTableData = "" .leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar button { } Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. languageCode = 3 addMapItem(true, 'BP Depot Quest', translated_quests_name, "")
} From most places on the map, you’ll be able to see the road, and thus orient yourself based on where it leads. map_column = 6 switch(currentLangDomain) { Woods is a location in Escape from Tarkov. languageDict = "RU"
default: This box is against a central woodpile, on top of a tyre. break Just to the east of the Cliff Descent Extraction there is a road that leads from the lumber yard to the south exterior wall. addMapItem(true, 'SCAV Extract', translated_extracts_name, "") - The Survivalist Path - Unprotected, But Dangerous - The Survivalist Path - Thrifty - "The Tarkov Shooter" - Part 1 - Introduction: The Survivalist Path - Unprotected, But Dangerous: Jaeger: Completion: Kill 5 scavs on Woods. bounds = [[-2142, -4096],[2142, 4096]] El Capitan of Caffeinated Gamer, avid gamer and big lover of eSports games. The first is the road that sits on the ridge to the west of the Logging Camp.
border: none;
bounds = [[-3601, -5401],[3601, 5401]] Maps. var mapBackground = "" Here’s a look at the Escape From Tarkov Woods map: Image via Reddit. leafletFilterCheckbox: filterCheckboxFormat, async: false, width: 100%; Escape From Tarkov Woods Map Guide 2020. tooltipAnchor: [0, 0], url: '|​links&page=Interactive_Map_Translation_Table&origin=*', addMapItem(true, 'Checking Quest', translated_quests_name, "") var MapIcon = L.Icon.extend({ Shturman and his followers do not wear helmets but can have high tier body armour so aiming for the head is recommended. .leaflet-bar button.disabled { } // Base URL and background .leaflet-bar button { Simply open the door and you should see it if it has spawned. Because of the terrain of the Woods, most of your navigation will be done through identifying landmarks, of which there are many. error: function(error) { Opposite the RUAF Roadblock, and at the top of the westmost wall, there is another large checkpoint. if (!html) {
interactiveMapIconImages.push(translationData[i][5]) for (var i in translationData) { It can be approached from the water, or along the road across the north wall.
Knowing what you’re going in for is key to making the most of your run. display: none; 1 Description 2 Objectives 3 Completion 4 Rewards 5 Note 6 Gallery 7 Patch Changes "Hello, young man. He also occasionally likes to run around the middle near the wood piles at the center of the Logging Camp.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'caffeinatedgamer_com-leader-1','ezslot_16',117,'0','0'])); He always has two heavily armored guards with him, both of which tend to use high powered weapons such as the OP-SKS. Woods map updated with scav spawns, player spawn, main loot locations, and exit off of the top of my memory. } if (translationData[i][0] == 'Quest Related'){ .leaflet-bar button:hover { break
translated_quests_name = translationData[i][languageCode] else{ At the top of the mountain is the location of a sniper scav, so be wary.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'caffeinatedgamer_com-box-4','ezslot_13',113,'0','0'])); Down from Lookout Rock to the east is an open field, and then the Logging Camp. Because of the terrain of the Woods, most of your navigation will be done through identifying landmarks, of which there are many. Woods is a location in Escape from Tarkov. addMapItem(true, 'SCAV Extract', translated_extracts_name, "") Truly glad to see you. leafletMapItems[layerName] = leafletMapItem The east side will contain a long straight path through the map from north to south.
// Section for map specifics. If you are looking to practice your sniper rifle, this is a solid map choice. .leaflet-bar button { } $hiddenContent.remove() The Priozersk Natural Reserve was recently included into the list of state-protected wildlife reserves of the North-Western Federal District.
continue They are armed with high damage long-range weapons and plenty of grenades. All the extraction points themselves will be visually shown after that in a table! error: function(error) { Here’s a look at the Escape From Tarkov Woods map: Woods is around a medium-large sized map great for long-range battles.
-webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px; If he’s here he’ll be able to duck behind cover if you take shots at him, so make sure to hit him with the first shot.
.leaflet-bar button:hover { }
If the SUV is there then you can spend three thousand roubles per person and get up to four PMC’s out of the raid.
height: 100%; Posted by 2 years ago.
.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar button { background-position: 50% 50%; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; Escape From Tarkov Interactive Map.
} } Related: Escape From Customs Woods Map | Shoreline Map | Factory Map. case 'customs': languageCode = 0 -webkit-text-stroke-color: black; var languageCode = 0 Extracts are all located around the outskirts of the map, so you can simply run along the border to reach one eventually. Find the best loot, key, and stash locations in Woods. This location is in the middle of the map and has five scav spawns. left: 5%; case '': // ----------------------------------------- Outskirts - Woods Extract Guide - Escape From Tarkov - YouTube Interactive Map contentType: 'application/json charset=utf-8', Woods is a deadly map with very little loot to compensate for the risk, with a few scattered crates and Scav as the only loot sources outside of the Lumberyard. else{ All maps share the same generic item layout. case '': .easy-button-button .button-state{ display: none;
//----- TRANSLATION TABLE AND STUFF HERE background-color: #fff;
Gallery Edit.
.leaflet-bar button:first-of-type { var translationData = $hiddenContent.find('table.sortable tr').map(function() { Both Shturman and his stash can have Red Rebel Ice Picks, so make sure to at least check his scabbard slot. languageCode = 4 Be careful though, as you won’t hear the sniper in the grassy knoll. There are plenty of ways to extract from Woods, but some require extra planning to ensure they are available. Woods Plan: Therapist (I) 13,737 ₽-- Trivia Edit. interactiveMapTableData = "Customs_Interactive_Map_Table"
South of the camp and nearer to the Main Road is a Marked Circle.
Spawns on the west side of the map start at the west Border extraction point, and are interspersed along the west wall, with some near the UN Road Block near the north wall. Use the icons or Shift + Mousewheel up/down to zoom and Ctrl + Left Mouse Button to get coordinates.
popupAnchor: [0, -7], Once past the plane you’ll find yourself at a large group of rocks standing at the top of a hill.
height: 26px;
var filterCheckboxFormat = " " + layerName + ""
mapBackground = "" From most places on the map, you’ll be able to see the road, … var currentLangDomain = window.location.hostname var interactiveMapTableData = "" break
In the middle of the south side of the map there is a small crevice into a large mountain. var i = -1 //console.log(leafletMapItems) .leaflet-bar button,
text-decoration: none; On the west side of the map, you will find a railroad and many rock formations. } var interactiveMapIconNames = {}
Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. languageCode = 1 dataType: 'json', These are somewhat valuable to when passing by, make sure to check if one has spawned.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'caffeinatedgamer_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',114,'0','0'])); Scavs can spawn all over the logging camp, so it’s best to take a slow approach even if you don’t see any other players. .leaflet-bar button:last-of-type { The insertion positions on Woods follow the usual template of Escape From Tarkov.
color: black; url: '|​links&page=Interactive_Map_Translation_Table&origin=*', case 'woods': leafletLayerName: layerName, default: } leafletMapItems[layerName] = leafletMapItem
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